Dear reader ... In recent years, it increased health problems associated with eating food, because of the content of harmful compounds that link them through the falling raw material in the manufacture, which come about from agricultural transactions Kaltzmad and pest resistance ... etc., or come about during various manufacturing processes Kalttaghiz, heat and material added ... etc. So I thought I should give you a full sound from one of the important risks that come because their food item for some transactions that are responsible for its presence. This risk is the oxidation of cholesterol found beef to various oxides extremely dangerous as cause of many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and cancers. I also wanted to present to you through my study of these scientific solutions to these risks by natural additives hinder or prevent the risk of this oxidation process so that it can be avoided especially since we can not do without in general and especially manufactured eating meat. I hope that you benefit from the scientific content of this article, which took us enervated effort of research and experiments, to appear in a simple format useful to the reader. Author.

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لغة الكتاب:


By (author) :

Elsayed Abdelrasoul

عدد الصفحات:


النشر في:



Biochemistry, biophysics