This book is an attempt to evaluate the usability of the universities web pages practically and pragmatically. Usability heuristics are well known in this domain. The aim of this book is to parameterize these heuristics and rules, and find the suitable statistical rules and analysis for them. A series of experiments have been conducted to investigate into the usability and design of the universities web pages. Prototype web pages have been developed according to the HCI concepts. Twelve (users) respondents’ variables and 35 web pages variables were studied. Stringent statistical analysis was adopted to extract the required information from the data acquired, and intelligent interpretation of the statistical results was followed. The results and the foundations of this book illustrated that, the ANOVA procedure showed there were significant differences among the universities web pages regarding most of the 35 items studied. DMRT showed that the prototype usability performed significantly better regarding most of the items. The correlation analysis showed significant positive and negative correlations between many items. The regression analysis also revealed many important findings.

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de (auteur) :

Saad Subair
Hussah AlEisa

Nombre de pages:


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Informatique, IT