Green Lighting Technology

Green Lighting Technology

An Innovative Assistant Tool to Incorporate Daylight Transport Systems into the Design Process

Noor Publishing ( 21.12.2016 )

€ 84,90

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Meeting the challenges of the sustainable living in a world with fast-diminishing finite resources; calls for a fundamental change in the way we use these resources. The reliance on natural light to illuminate our interiors represents a good opportunity to have a healthy indoor environment, a clear atmosphere, and a great occasion to save nonrenewable energies and to save money. The planned use of natural light has become an important strategy to improve energy efficiency. The amount of energy demand generated by the use of lamps is considerable and gives the possibility of significant savings by daylighting. Since the windows alone don't provide the satisfactory daylighting for deep spaces due to the poor penetration in the space, this book introduces an integrated approach that incorporates channeling daylight into the building's core spaces within the named; daylight transport systems. This book develops a designing tool to support designers to incorporate the offered Green Lighting Technologies into their designs to create healthier indoor environments, achieve environmental preservation and energy efficiency.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Ghada Elrayies

Nombre de pages:


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