Fostering the Memoir Writing Skills as a Creative Non-Fiction Genre

Fostering the Memoir Writing Skills as a Creative Non-Fiction Genre

Using a WebQuest Model

Noor Publishing ( 2019-04-22 )

€ 21,90

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This research aimed at developing EFL creative writing skills of second year experimental preparatory school pupils using the "WebQuest" Approach. Fifty participants from second year at Hassan Abu- Bakr Distinguished Governmental Language School were randomly assigned into two groups: experimental group (N=25) and control group (N=25). Two instruments were used: creative writing pre-test, and creative writing posttest with a scoring rubric. The instruments were administered before and after the experiment. Quantitative data analysis was conducted. T-test was used to compare the means scores of the control group and the experimental one in the pre-post applications. Results showed that the experimental group pupils have developed their EFL skills of memoir writing (eleven skills were developed while one skill is not). It was concluded that the "WebQuest" model is effective in developing EFL creative writing skills of the participants. It was also recommended that the "WebQuest" model should be integrated into writing instruction programmes.

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By (author) :

Dr. Rania Kamal

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Methods of the empirical and qualitative social research